
Discover how the ChargePoint Clean Fuels Program can help

As of Jan. 1, 2022, charging station operators in the province of British Columbia are eligible to earn money through the BC Renewable and Low Carbon Fuels Requirements Regulation and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act (BC-LCFS). Businesses operating electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in a public, fleet, workplace, retail, hospitality or multifamily residential (five or more dwelling units) environment may be eligible to generate credits — and revenue — under the BC-LCFS for the charging services they already provide.

This e-book outlines how you can earn money through the BC-LCFS regulation with help from the ChargePoint Clean Fuels Program. This program provides comprehensive management and expertise, unraveling the complexities of policy requirements to make it easy and lucrative to take advantage of the benefits. To date, ChargePoint has monetized $30 million worth of credits since 2015.

Ready to get started? Fill out the form on this page to be contacted by a member of the ChargePoint Clean Fuels Program team.